Friday, December 17, 2010

Starting up a network of homebased tutors...

Officially left MOE and now, I finally understand how full time private tutors feel.
No 'job security' due to irregular payments (if students go on holidays, etc), no CPF contribution, etc etc.

So, I've decided to recruit dedicated teachers/tutors to join my network. Keen? Check this out:

Moving forward, I hope to find a suitable space to set up a centre.
For now, network of homebased tutors will be good.

New website will be up in around 3 weeks' time if there's no delay. Now, we just need photos to put on the new website. I've decided to get my current students for the photoshoot so that it's authentic (no stock photos of models).

Hopefully all will go well and students will  get to choose from a wider variety of tutors who subscribe to my believes: Teaching our next generation to THINK!