Tuesday, October 19, 2010

More Tips on Helping Your Child Prepare for PSLE

More tips:

1. Healthy diet and healthy bodies. Encourage them to eat healthily (more fruits) and exercise regularly (daddies and mummies, set good examples by spending time playing some sports with them).

2. Positive mindset. Encourage your child to do their best. Understand their limits (well, let's be honest, some children are really A* material and some are not - Aim for the moon so that even if you fail, you land among the stars). Teach them to aim high, but learn to accept disappointment too (most impt!!).

3. Thinking skills. I personally feel that kids these days are really lazy thinkers. One student told me,"Mrs Wong, why must learn to think? Computer will think for us what." -____"-

Question them, even over 'mundane' things like why there's a need for traffic lights. Why don't they just have red and green? Why must there be amber? How effective are the pedestrian crossings? Why have zebra crossings? Why not cow crossings? etc etc


4. Sleep well. Most parents I know will enforce strict bedtime, regardless of homework completed or not.

5. SHOW YOUR LOVE & SUPPORT! Love comes in many forms. Make a nice drink while they are studying. Cooking their fave food (as long as it won't cause them to fall ill - like deep fried food). Spending time with them doing leisure activities. Assuring them that you'll be proud of them as long as they put in EFFORT - result is secondary.

I remember my dad showed his 'silent support' by staying up late with me into the nights. He pretended to watch TV - but it was on MUTE cos he did not want to disturb me. Made my fave iced Milo while I studied. Brought me out for nice supper after I'm done with studying (my dad can't cook).

End of the day, remind your kiddos that you love them for who they are.

As long as they did their best, you'll be proud of them no matter what results they get (though we all know that good results at PSLE may mean a better future).

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