Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Pushing Your P6 to PSLE

In response to this thread:

I've posted the following:

or T1 in P6, it's good to focus on the new topics: algebra, speed, circles.

What I'm doing with my students now: Going through the above topics and revisiting percentage, ratio and fraction.

They are starting off with CA1 papers from top schools (1 paper a week).

By end term 1, I would have completed teaching all the topics and we will start more intensive work by starting on challenging problem sums for P6 topics.

By June holidays, it will be intensive Q&A. They try, they ask, I clarify.
Usually by end July, my students will finish their stash of past year exam papers and I'll dig out different challenging questions or revisit certain 'techniques' or 'topics' which they have problems with.

After that, it will just be enough work to keep momentum going.

I encourage students to PLAN THEIR TIME WELL.

For my students, I normally encourage this:
Weekdays: Focus on school homework. Once complete, try to do exam papers (if can't finish the whole paper, at least 1 section of the paper).

Weekends: Set aside 2-3 hours a day to finish up the exam papers.

Tuition should comprise of practice papers -> Your kid's tutors don't give them papers to practise? Or they give them in other forms (compiled worksheets)?

My students normally finish the other work (trying new questions/techniques) during lesson, so most of their homework is exam paper (1 per week) and probably around 5 pages of homework per subject.

On top of that, they have to write a compo a week and finish compre OE, compre cloze, S&T, etc.

So far my students all managed to manage their time well with guidance.

You have to teach them to manage their time. And also teach them to plan/spread out their work.

When I assign homework, I normally will show them how to split up the
work so it becomse manageable.

If your child's time is totally occupied by enrichments/tuition, then it's time to rethink your strategy. I personally believe in only have 1 enrichment/tuition class PER DAY. Nothing more (they can't absorb).

With 1 enrichment/tuition class per day, it is definitely manageable. Even my lazy students managed to finish their schoolwork on top of tuition work. And sometimes, they give me a nice surprise by finishing more work than I expected. Very Happy & she still have piano classes and Chinese tuition. She comes to me 4 times a week!



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